Happy Birthday, 2012!

‘Tis the season of transition, fa la la la la, la la la la!

In running out the clock on 2011 and preparing for the coming year, the increasing tension of longer nights and shorter days here in the northern hemisphere may make us wonder “Will darkness prevail?” “When will the light return?” and “What will the new year bring?”

I don’t know about you, but a common association I have with the end of a year is with the old man – Father Time.  His hair is flowing and white.  He sports a grizzled beard and holds a sharpened scythe in his hand.  He is a threatening figure when thought of as a grim reaper, most especially by the way he relentlessly moves on, letting everyone know:  “Time’s running out.”  “Time’s up!”  “Time to move on”.  Needless to say, time’s scythe doesn’t easily let us cling to the past, does it?   It makes us face the unknown and cut out any foot dragging we’ve been doing.

But Father Time’s scythe is also a tool for reaping what we’ve sewn in the past year.  It seems to point to harvesting what we’ve planted by saying:  “It’s time to take stock of what you’ve accomplished.”  It suggests:  “Let go of the chaff that no longer motivates you.”  and  “Consider planting new seeds!”

As a grandfather, the image of Father Time also tells us that we’re coming into a new cycle when we must rise up to bring forth a new baby.  You know the one that’s been gestating for months, maybe even for years – it may be an unrealized dream or a brand new project – or anything.

Interpreting the cries of a newborn and meeting its need to thrive is daunting.  And you may ask yourself:  “Do I have the resources to bring something new into the world?” “Can I keep it safe and developing until it fully forms?”  ”Will I find the support I need to keep going even when I’m spent?”

These are only some of the questions we commonly encounter whenever we create from our vision, in whichever way we do.  And this coming year will include facing with fortitude the unknown challenges, and seizing the many opportunities that will come our way.  Oh, baby!  Whether we think we’re ready or not, it’s coming…

Happy Birthday, 2012!

(This article was also published in the Creativity Coaching Association newsletter,
December 2011.)

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